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Writer's pictureStuart Dalrymple - CCIM


With the new age of technology, we have learned a multitude of ways to do business more efficiently.  Who would have thought that the internet could change so many business strategies?  All companies will be impacted in some way or another.  But, what have we lost that is still very important to our success?

I know one thing is for sure, if it were not for my Google spell-checker and Grammarly, I would not be able to write a thank you letter or even an advertisement.   We learn and get better at things because of repetition.  Once we stop, our brain refocuses in other areas and soon the things we were good at become old habits that dwindle.  

Another old habit, one that I have built my career around is COMMUNICATION.  What I mean has nothing to do with a one-way email blast.  DON'T DO IT!   I instead want someone to send me a text or call me on the phone if they want to do business with me.  Try mailing a hand-written note.  Address it in hand-writing the old fashion way.  It may take a little more thought and time, but you will collect closed deals from it.  I simply do not want to be the target of a fishing expedition.

However, the real loss is the desire, ability, and urgency associated with returning phone calls.  When I first began my career in the publishing business and then in real estate, not returning calls was not an option.  I can tell you this for sure.  If you want to be successful in any business, especially real estate, always do these simple three things.

Never stop learning new ideas and be willing to change.  People quit because they get happy and complacent.  They think good enough will always satisfy their needs.  NOTE: Talk to any one of the 12,000 retailers who will close stores this year.  They refused to change fast enough to grasp the new way of doing business.  Get into a Think Tank or Master Mind.  Call me, and I will plug you into one.

Form an inner circle of people who you frequently visit with and talk about business. If you do not know who these people are, then you better find out.  No one does it alone.  Meet with them regularly and keep a pulse on the market.

RETURN YOUR PHONE CALLS!  For crying out loud, you are missing deals.  If people do not return my calls, then I am not going to waste my valuable time investing in them.  There are too many other deals out there, that is if you are not complacent. 

So, if you missed doing a deal with me, you probably did not return my phone call.  And if there is a typo in this blog, you can blame it on spell-check.  Email me, and I WILL call you back!

Stuart J. Dalrymple - ccim

DISCLAIMER:  This Blog/Web Site is made available to you by Stuart J. Dalrymple Coaching & Mentoring Programs for educational purposes only as well as to give you general information and understanding of real estate and business strategies.  By using this blog site, you understand that there is no legal advice given.  The website should not be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a licensed professional attorney in your state.

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