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Writer's pictureStuart Dalrymple - CCIM

Detours & Mentors

As we stumble through life doing the best we can we sometimes take detours. Many times those detours seem to get us off track. However, sometimes detours can be good. They can be for rest and refueling, maybe for learning or even to take a different career path. For me personally, my detour led me back to my passion, the path that I am currently pursuing.

We all tread through life running as fast as we can. We seem to just keep putting out fires and never really take time to develop our passion. I like to think of that passion as our Unique Ability; something our Creator has given us for helping navigate through this wonderful and sometimes torturous world of ours. We may even have a vision utilizing your unique ability, but we just can't seem to focus. What I discovered on this detour is that I had lost something of great value, my ability to stop and think. I was not intentionally taking the time needed to feed my passion and to nurture my unique ability. I became aware that I was running low on fuel and my stress was unbearable. As a result, my business and personal life were in turmoil. I had to find balance in my mind, body and spirit. You see, your business is only as good as the thought you put into it.

A little over a year ago, I ran across the John Maxwell Team. John Maxwell had been a favorite author of mine for years and I spent many days studying his books. There was a time when I would pass his books out as prizes during sales contests with my team. I used the books as a major refueling stop when I was running low on energy. What was placed in front of me was the opportunity to join the team and to become certified as a JMT coach. I knew I needed something new, something that would give me a new perspective on my business. So off I go, on my own little detour. Since then it has been quite an adventure. I competed my certification and quickly moved into mentorship as a part of their team. And that was only the beginning of my journey. The knowledge that I have gained and the contacts that I have made are transforming the way I do business. That balance I once had and lost is slowly but surely returning. I have so much more about my journey to share. For those of you who choose to join me, my wish is that your detour will transform your life too. Next up- Part 2 of my detour.

For Now!


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1 Comment

Unknown member
Jan 03, 2019

Awesome thoughts!

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